of course. He was my first serious boyfriend. We were together for 5 years.
Well, he was gentle and slow and thoughtful so yes I enjoyed it as much as I could for teh first time ever. As for him and sex in general, compared to others I've been with (we've been broken up for almost 10 years now)....I remember we had really good sex. We were together so long we really got to know and become comfortable with each other, you know.
But, by the time we broke up...I was really, really, really over him. He wanted to get back together afterwards and I was no longer attracted to him.
I do sometimes wonder that now it has been so many years since I've seen him....if I might feel a bit of attraction to him again? I might, and I might be willing to give it a go again. If I was single. Just for curiousity's sake. To see how he measures up compared to the people I've slept with since.
That's only something I've come to recently. Up until very recently the very thought of seeing him would make my stomach turn. But lately I've been more curious.
Probably cuz I haven't had much for lasting relationships since him and so I think, hmmm. . . . ???