First of all, sorry about my post rampage earlier. I let loose again - I'll try and control myself next time.
It's just that I feel like a waste. I mean, I know I'm not - I have a lot to offer. It's just that I've never taken chances. How do you all do it?
I was never went to Prom, I never stuck out in the crowd (I know this may be hard to believe). But I feel I've always been 'behind' the shadows. I see how other people (my age) live - and I want that kind of life. I'm young, and I know it! But for some reason, I come off as a 30+ year old (probably).
I have Potenital - but that means nothing. It's no use to tell me to go out, and break the rules (I won't). I just havn't found my note yet - I've probably been playing the wrong instrument.
I've typed quite a bit so far - and it all seems like rubbish (it probably is), and I feel like backspacing to a clean slate, and starting all over - but I've come to far I guess... I'll just continue my rant.
I dream endlessly in my mind; about trips to Italy, and seeing the mountains of the far east (bla bla bla) - but what's the point. I'm alone. Nobody to dream with. I keep waiting for something to happen. I am longing for adventure. I'm tired of playing with stick figures in my head. I feel I'm always misunderstood - maybe that's me puting unnecessary pressure on myself.
Sometimes I wonder, if there is a woman somewhere that REALLY understands what I'm talking about. I know I'm not unique, but I also know that there are not a lot of people like me. Most people fall under some kind of 'category', but here I am, out in the middle of nowhere, kind of like with no direction.
Well, I just want to fit in. I dream too much, and don't live them.
I'm the guy that writes the story book adventure, and it's the others that live those adventures. I guess I should be happy with what I've got. Not many people are fortunate to be in my position. The people that know me think I have NO worries in life, and that everything for me is 'set' - but that is so far from the truth. Again, I know I have Potential, but Potential means Nothing.
What do I have Potential for?
Well, first of all, I know that I'm a nice guy. I don't care what ANYBODY else thinks, whether they think I'm nice for 'selfish' reasons, or nice because it 'suits' me, or nice because I don't know how to be anything else. The truth is, is that I AM a nice guy, because it is my innate feelings that guide me to act in ways that are socially considered, 'nice'.
Secondly, I have a VERY creative mind. I don't know how to explain this, but I do a lot of thinking, and I think that's what deters others from me. I guess I'm too hard for others to 'figure out', and they don't waste their time on me. I don't blame them. I internalize A LOT. I think from inside, not outside. I hide emotions very well. I have a blank face - you'd never know how I feel inside in any given situation. I consider this good and bad. Bad, becaue I don't open up to others.
So, given these two characteristics, why is it that I have so much trouble in adapting to people, especially those my age? I feel too different at times. I just want the things they want. I like to party, I like to have fun, I like to joke, I like to go out, I like to do all these things, but I never express it I guess.
Why don't I meet chicks like 'other' regular guys? I don't know! I don't think I'm afraid (or maybe I am). I just don't get it! WOW! This is one LONG rant! If your reading up to this point, then I'd like to share something with you...why is it that certain people (such as yourself) care so much about what others write on this forum. There MUST be some kind of agenda, (but I can't think of any). Why would ANYBODY want to possibly read this rant, and then provide some kind of response if they feel the need to do so? Anyway, I just wanted to throw that in here, and let you know how cool I think it is, and how unselfish people like you are. Well, I'm gonna cover up this 'hidden' thank you note, for those who read this thread, because you probably read my entrie post (hopefully I didn't put you to sleep).
Potential means Nothing. And I'm living proof. I could've done so much with my life right now, and yet, I feel like I have accomplished NOTHING. I wonder how many other people feel the way I do. In my mind, I picture a certain life for myself, and I always wonder, why isn't it ME that lives that life? I know other people that do live that life. I guess I'll describe that 'certain life' later on, when I feel less like I do right now.
Well, I think I'm gonna wrap this up right now. So that's that.
In summary, Potential means NOTHING.
On a positive note, I'd like to think of myself as a snow ball, that's being 'pushed' to the top of a mountain cliff, and this snowball is getting 'bigger and bigger'. I'd like to think of the size of this snow ball as the 'amount' of potential I've been building for the past years of my life...
...and I'd like to think that I'm nearing the tip of the mountain, in which this snowball is about to be let 'free', and flow to the bast of the mountain. And this stage represents 'all the good that is about to happen in my life'. And as the snowball is flowing freely to the base, this represents what I potray myself as (well, 90% of the time) as RSK of LF. It represents my dreams, except this time, it's reality.
I hope I'm nearing the top of that mountain tip. I'm looking foward to the trip back down!