Is accepting a breakup really a way of showing your strength as a human being? Or is simply letting go a true weakness? I mean, someone told me that often, breaking up is just the easy way out. I keep thinking it's the right way to getting out a frustrations. Wow. I am quite confused.
Actually, I really did think for a little bit after my recent breakup that it seemed to be the easy, weak choice for him (It was mutual but not---I pushed for us to decide to either stay together and believe we could stay together, or stop fooling ourselves---he made the choice). I'm now not sure if letting go is going to be the most healthy choice, or if working thrings out is the most heathy choice?
UGH! We were okay (you can see my other post for the details of my relationship breakup) ish and I was jsut starting to sort of accept it...and now...are we actually making the WRONG choice? Who knows if it's right or wrong, I guess...but iuf both people are unhappy being apart and wow....He is an amazing person that I don't truly want to let go of...I am because I feel like I'm supposed to, to be able to move on. But what if moving on is actually NOT the good choice in this situation?!