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Thread: Do you feel lonely?

  1. #16
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    For those of you who 'feel' me, I 'feel' you too. I'm not stupid to not know that the world does not care about my personal problems, as a few Users here pointed out. I'm just a number in the crowd.

    I'll be honest, I'm a dreamer. I take myself to the Sands of Sahara, and back to the Green Everglades, and sometimes I fly through the Ice blue Antarctic. I travel as far as my imagination would allow.

    But I've always wondered the dreams of others. What others look for most in life. What brings out compassion in others?

    Here I am, on the internet exchanging words with strangers. Is that how far we've come? Am I just a product of years of 'lesson' on what things to value? Or was it MY CHOICE to feel the way I do about certain things? Nature Vs. Nurture I guess.

    All in all, we all have dreams. And that's what this post is about. But here is my question:

    Is it good to dream? What if we live are lives with nothing but dreams. I find solice in my dreams - I always have! I know they may not come true. But at least they make me smile. I play with stick figures in my head. Re-enacting scenes, and creating the perfect situation. I have bedtime stories since I was a child - nothing but dreams. My dreams have brought me to where I am today. I'm starting to think that I need to wake up and smell the coffee. Is it OK to dream?

  2. #17
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    I think it's perfectly good to dream. I dream a lot about love and what it's gonna be like for me. I might have write some songs about them.

  3. #18
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    I dream too, and usually they make no sense. But I also daydream a lot, about wars and love and playing in a band and talents I don't have and weird creatures... About being succesfull and rich, being perfect, winning the lotery, such things. It only makes me more ambitious, and that's positive I think.

  4. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by wishiwassocial
    I dream too, and usually they make no sense. But I also daydream a lot, about wars and love and playing in a band and talents I don't have and weird creatures... About being succesfull and rich, being perfect, winning the lotery, such things. It only makes me more ambitious, and that's positive I think.
    i feel you

  5. #20
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    it's okay to dream..

    but why dream when you should be out there trying to achieve them?

    that's half the fun of it.
    "Ogres are like onions."

  6. #21
    Tone's Avatar
    Tone Guest
    Great post Alicias.

  7. #22
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    Quote Originally Posted by Alicias
    God has plans for everyone.
    Why you gotta give God credit for somethin' he didn't do?

    As I said in another post.

    Give credit where credit is due.

    I'm not about to hand over my achievements to some punk floatin' around in the sky.

  8. #23
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    I truly know how you feel. I am the typical "idealist" and "romantic." I get these perfect notions of a pure and wonderful love. I know it's a fantasy that I have dreamt up over the years of romantic novels and movies and love songs. I know they are fictional, but the dreams and ideals still wrestle with my common sense.
    But yeah, I'll keep dreaming...

  9. #24
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    Quote Originally Posted by ImAnnabelle
    I truly know how you feel. I am the typical "idealist" and "romantic." I get these perfect notions of a pure and wonderful love. I know it's a fantasy that I have dreamt up over the years of romantic novels and movies and love songs. I know they are fictional, but the dreams and ideals still wrestle with my common sense.
    But yeah, I'll keep dreaming...
    wow, you've said what i've been tyring to say in so few words, and i'll stop right there

    i guess it is normal to dream after all

    thanks everyone for your responses

  10. #25
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    Quote Originally Posted by ImAnnabelle
    I truly know how you feel. I am the typical "idealist" and "romantic." I get these perfect notions of a pure and wonderful love. I know it's a fantasy that I have dreamt up over the years of romantic novels and movies and love songs. I know they are fictional, but the dreams and ideals still wrestle with my common sense.
    But yeah, I'll keep dreaming...
    that's exactly how I feel! All the movies, love songs, stories I hear about love have gotten me dreaming! lol

  11. #26
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    There's nothing wrong to dream. Everyone have got to dream. Some people dont dream or some say they don't is beacuse they dont have the courage to dream. You have to fellow your dream and work it. someone may be lucky enough to fulfill their dream earlier, but some are not. BUt no matter whoever you are, u earn something in the end of the day. For those who are not lucky enough, they can earn maturity and they could geta know how important love is to them.

    No one knows what's gonna happen tmr, but you'll never see the distination if you dont even start trying. you may feel like you are in a losing battle, doing nothing for good but once you fulfill your dream and look back, you will realize that things happen for reasons, and those are the things that bring you to the end of your personal legend.

    Just like someone have to go through so much to realize the best thing had always been with them, but they were not "mature" enough to notice that before.

  12. #27
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    okay.. it's okay to dream..

    me, i have a completely romantic, fairy tale side.. oh.. those sweet, sweet thoughts..

    then, there's the logical side. everything is rational and worked out, calculated...
    "Ogres are like onions."

  13. #28
    Tone's Avatar
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    I think we all do Arty... some people just choose to let one take over more, or pretend the other doesn't exist.

  14. #29
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    Quote Originally Posted by RSK
    Everyone here is a strong believer in LOVE! You wouldn't be on loveforum.net if you were not. We are all here for different reasons. Some for kissing advice, some for setting masterbation records, and others for relationship advice spanning from abuse to marriage. I'm here for time and reflection.

    Most people I have come across in my life have a very difficult time to find both. People are too busy, and pre-occupied with daily chores. I am cursed with plenty of time, especially time for reflection.

    So, I guess it's obvious why I feel lonely.

    I'm trying hard not to sound sappy, but I'm longing for a love story in my life. I need that spark. I think everyone needs that spark.

    Imagine being somewhere (library, subway, bank...anywhere), and you come SO close to the woman/man whom could provide that spark. But unfortunately, you never met, and it was over. I wonder, how many libararies, Subways, and banks I've been to, and how many chances have slipped through my fingers.

    I'm not old. But one day I will be. And I don't want to be alone, sharing these stories with my shadow by the fireplace. I want grandchildren, I want a large family. I want christmas holdiays. I want gift sharring. I want family vacations. I want things that money can't buy, LOVE.

    Yes, right now I feel Lonely.

    MORAL OF THE STORY: Take EVERY chance as it comes. Do not let chances slip through your fingers - you'll only regret it! I've missed out on too much. Don't let the same happen to you.

    It's worse to not have even tried than have tried and failed.
    Yes I do feel lonely. I have the exact feeling as you do.
    I want to be married with the woman that I like; I would to have a happy family; I want to have kids and giving them my love;

    Here it's A story I would like to share with you:

    During my Grade 10 Career Study class, the teacher did a survey which asked : " Which of the following is the most important for you?"

    I rised my hand when the teacher said :"To have a comfortable Life". I was surprised that I was the only one who to chose that, and the class laughed at me. Most people chose "To have a sucessful Career" others.

  15. #30
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    Quote Originally Posted by nickia
    Yes I do feel lonely. I have the exact feeling as you do.
    I want to be married with the woman that I like; I would to have a happy family; I want to have kids and giving them my love;

    Here it's A story I would like to share with you:

    During my Grade 10 Career Study class, the teacher did a survey which asked : " Which of the following is the most important for you?"

    I rised my hand when the teacher said :"To have a comfortable Life". I was surprised that I was the only one who to chose that, and the class laughed at me. Most people chose "To have a sucessful Career" others.
    hey man, thumbs up to that. Forget the laughin, career isn't everything.

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