Why is life not always what it plans to be? At the moment my mind seems to be scattered everywhere, I can't seem to concentrate and I've become less sociable and more introvert. But also I've been pretty deppressed lately... and whats getting me down is:
1. Questioning my ability whether I can pass the course I'm currently undertaking.
2. People in my life.
People seem to walking out of my life alot recently. Teachers who teach the I.B course I'm on are leaving, a friend left without notifying anyone...
Even my dreams are becoming "depressing" in it's self. However, I think the problem is maybe I'm scared of change? Old people leaving and new people entering is a pretty daunting thought, in the way that sooner or later, the old people will no longer exist other than in your memories. But then your memories deteriorate and then sooner or later become forgotten.
Sorry if the post in a bit jumpy, just trying to get my thoughts down as they come.