Absolutely not. I have never personally believed in dwelling in the past. When a relationship ends it generally ends for a reason. I'm not going to say this is ALWAYS the case, but in the vast majority of cases, it is better just to move on completely. It is not healthy to cling to relationships of the past. Beyond some exceptions (such as if you have children together) there is little to no reason to stay in touch with an ex. Personally, realizing how bad my ex was for me (and from the more I learned about her AFTER we split, how bad a person she was in general), was a HUGE part in my own personal growth. In starting to finally appreciate myself like I never have before. To allow her any part in my life, no matter how minimal, would be to spit in the face of all that progress I've made. Of the much stronger creature I have now become.
Thank you, GLYC. To be honest, I am happy with myself these days... or at least happier than I have ever been. Nothing will ever change, though, that I have never and will never feel like I belong. Instead I have learned to accept that and move on in spite of it. There are good days and bad days. But, such is life, I guess, Life is mainly just fighting your way out of the bad days and enjoying the good days while they last.
Anyway, back to the game...
Have you ever been to a comic con?