Do you:
Interrupt when the other person is talking?
Make faces while they are talking?
Make passive-aggressive jabs instead of stating what you really think?
Withhold your true feelings out of fear?Pick apart every word a person is saying?Shutdown when confronted?
Assume the worst possible meaning?
Jump to conclusions without obtaining more information?
Believe that you already know what the other person is going to say without giving them a chance?
Interrogate a person with close-ended questions?
Miss body language clues?
Have conversations in your head but don’t say it to the other person?
Think about what you are going to say next while the other person is talking?
Not ask clarifying questions before talking?
Repeat back what the other person is saying before you make a point?
Allow your emotions such as anger, anxiety and guilt to override the conversation?
Not allow the other person to walk away when they are upset?
Not accept criticism without pointing out a flaw in the other person?
Not plan out ahead of time what you are going to say and the best way to say it?Quickly accept responsibility just to end the conversation?Apologize even when you are not at fault?Blame the other person for your emotional reaction?Seek to find fault in the other person to avoid accountability?Physically move away from the other person out of fear?Physically move in closer when upset as a form of intimidation?Pick at your skin, wring your hands, play with your hair, or other compulsive behaviors?Avoid eye contact?Verbally threaten the other person to make a point?Throw out ultimatums if the other person doesn’t agree with you?Use sarcasm as a way of saying what you want or don’t want?Give the other person only two options: yours and another extreme version?Frequently remind the other person of how they have hurt you in the past?
Use the other person’s flaws, mistakes, or disorders against them?
Change the unresolved topic to something else when feeling uncomfortable?