I feel stupid for posting this, but there's this guy at my school that I find extremely interesting and that I'd really like to get to know. I wouldn't mind to sneakily approach him and start a conversation, but the dude is NEVER by himself. Everytime I see him, he is either sorrounded by 3-7 noisy friends or he's already talking to someone else. He even takes my bus once in a blue moon, but even then, he's always with a friend. I'm acquainted with some of his friends/classmates and am on good terms with a few people who know him, but I wouldn't exactly call those folks "friends" and I'm not anywhere near enough comfortable with them to simply ask for an introduction (that would be awkward, believe me). Furthermore, he skips school nearly every other day so my odds get even smaller. I live in a small city, so you bet you will see someone you know when you're out on Friday and he does go out a lot, but I have yet to see him anywhere (though I don't go out that much anyway). What am I suppose to do? Should I start drinking my face off every Friday and hope I will see him? Or should I just start approaching his friends, so they can introduce me to his other friends and then they can introduce me to him? That's so much work!
Anyway, he is just really sociable and probably isn't aware of how unapproachable he is. I also doubt he is avoiding me since he barely even knows who I am. It's just really frustrating because it's so rare for me to find guys I'm interested in. I have no problem chatting him up, but with his friends there, that is five more people I need to impress and the setting would be just awkward since none of them know me. The only time I see him being alone is when he's walking home or from class, but he walks so damn fast and I have no intention of racing after him in case he's in a hurry. Everything that I can think of at this point just seems awkward and forced. Should I just give up?