Thats what i am thinking right now. He changes a lot for no exact reason.
Currently preparing myself for the worst is me ending the relationship coz i am aware that i love him without a doubt..
Thats what i am thinking right now. He changes a lot for no exact reason.
Currently preparing myself for the worst is me ending the relationship coz i am aware that i love him without a doubt..
Did you tell him that you need to discuss this because you feel your relationship is on the line
In direct and nonmisubderstanding words?
I tried to reach out be he is not available to talk at this time due to his work.
But he is aware right now of what is going on in his side over this relationship.
The last time we talked was the night of the 26 and he mentioned and feel sorry of his acts and not giving much time.
And i explaned to him my side but i guess he doesnt fully understand or probably the work is stressing him too much so i don't know much what is the situation. Even the weekend he needs to work dur to that spin off company.
Everyone can understand that
But he drives home
He eats and sleeps
And he can find 5minutes a day for you if that was important to him
You are absolutely right and that is also my thoughts.
That's what i do not undertand from him.
I am trying to understand him at my best but everything has its limit.
and he knew what is going on.
But not talking or explaining to me.
Then give him this message exactly like that direct
Nothing to understand wrong
With the plea for just telling you honestly if he wants to continue the relationship AND change his behaviour or not
That however would mean that there is a bit so small chance for him to say that he doesn’t want
Thanks hoo! i will do that
If you dont really talk then you are not really in a relationship. Its hard to say that you are in relatyionship when you talk like once week.
Doubt kills more dreams than failure ever will
I asked him many times if him and I are still together and he said yes even knowing that he is lack of time right now. So is it not good that i trust his words than his actions?
Words are nice, but actions are what really matter. He can say all he wants that he still wants to be with you... but if he then doesn't actually take the actions to show you that you are a priority then it means nothing. Don't get me wrong. Life CAN get busy. So if he is honestly just too busy to make you a priority now, then that may actually legitimately be the case.... BUT... then maybe he should let you go. I mean, think of it like this....
What if you two continued. Eventually got engaged and eventually got married. Is he going to get busy at work and basically disappear on you for long periods of time? Are you basically not going to have a husband for these huge chunks of time because he's "too busy?" Because that certainly isn't okay, so why would it be okay for him to be your boyfriend, yet basically abandon you because he's "too busy." I can understand being busy, but you also make time for people/things that are important to you. If he can't make you a priority right now that is fine, but then maybe he needs to do the adult thing and let you go. At least until there may be a time when he CAN make you the priority you deserve to be and then maybe he can reach back out.
Hopefully, though, it doesn't even have to come to that. Hopefully he'll talk to you and you two can make it work. I just more so hope you care enough about yourself to do what is right for you even if it turns out to be what is initially hard. Best of luck.
Thank you EvilJester.
That is much appreciated.
At the end of your statement saying that u just hope that i care more enough to myself which is absolutely right. I should be.
Exactly. And, don't get me wrong. Caring enough about yourself doesn't automatically have to mean ending the relationship. Again, maybe he will finally talk to you about all this and maybe you two could make it work. Then, "caring enough about yourself" could very well involve still being with him. It's just "caring enough about yourself" in life sometimes involves doing something that may be hard at first, but that you know is ultimately the right thing for you. Hopefully that won't be the case here, but if it is.... well, I said it all already.
Thank you so much! Your responses are really much appreciated and the rest as well. Hoping that him and I figure things out before it gets to the point that we have to end the relationship..