I have a question that i feel is embaressing.Would someone understanding please message me. Simple question i just domt want to type here sorry
Thank you
I have a question that i feel is embaressing.Would someone understanding please message me. Simple question i just domt want to type here sorry
Thank you
Contact Dr. DUGO on E-mail: dugo_d()yahoo.com, he has the spiritual charm to make everything right back for you. Trust me
Well, we are a pretty understanding group in general. Plus, we are all just usernames on a message board. You have the benefit of anonymity here. Without knowing specifics of your problem, we honestly won't even know if we have any thoughts or advice to offer.
I am certainly willing to at least try, though. So, if you don't want to post it here, feel free to send me a private message. I will do my best to offer advice if I have any for your specific situation. Just, FYI, the PMs on this board are very limiting. I think you can only have 1,000 characters per message, which you'd be surprised how easy it is to use WAY more than 1,000. You can always break your thoughts down into several PMs, but I just tell you that in advance because that can be a pain in the butt.