Hey folks. Figured I'd give some kind of review on this while I have a chance. Tried to access here three occasions and couldn't, not sure if others were having a similar issue with site or only myself.
Enjoyed the movie. Huge Billy Crystal fan like some of the rest of you are -- so no way this would rate a dud to me. Parts TBH were boring, slow and wtf they killed a rock star character off in the mid of the movie seems stupid to me -- but Crystals jokes and demeanor and overall good guy won me over through the flaws I encountered. Enjoyed his buddies and their stories too. He faced his pre mid life crisis like a champ and came out on the other side a better happier man.
Favorite Characters -- Mitch, and Curly ( both tied )
Least favorite characters -- Asshole ranch hand and chick with them and girl who Phil impregnated.
Rating -- 7/10
On other news in the thread, WTG, dollhouse. Grats on the two items of good news for you. Nice to stumble upon some good positive news on here for one of the members.
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Forgot, in reading quickly though the thread to answer Exeter's question. I liked the scene at the start of the movie with the running of the bulls, not sure if they still do this but would like to do something stupid and dangerous like that with my friends and go get shitfaced afterwards.