Here is the story. I was with this person for 4 years (throughout college). We lived in different states but managed to stay together through everything. After graduating I didn't want to push her to moving to where I live, so I allowed her to find her own career path. Fast forward about 2 years, I started having health issues and they were all leading to cancer at the time. (Thankfully that wasn't the case). During that time I kept pushing her away intentionally because I didn't want her dealing with it. I couldn't forgive myself if I ever put her through any of that. So we decided we would go our separate ways after constant fighting and arguing over the smallest things. I attempted reaching out to her previously just to talk and never got a response. She has blocked me from all forms of communication. Now I find out she is engaged and will be getting married. I still to this day love this woman more than I have ever loved anyone. The worst part is she has no idea why I pushed her away in the first place. I just don't know what to do. We haven't spoken in almost 4 years now and I am not sure what to do.