and I want to stop all contact with him.
I feel like I deserve a standing ovation ;]
Feeling so strong and empowered now!
and that this deserves a separate post.
ok ok you all told me to do this looong time ago, but I had to come to terms with it in my own pace and I finally did it! It took me one last time of us making out and then him leaving (though didn't sleep with him, these last two times) to realize that this will never work. Well, that and one of my friends convincing me for two days;] But it finally became clear to me that if I want something to change, I can't just keep repeating same patterns over and over again and expect to magically get a different result...
So I texted him today that this situation no longer satisfies me and doesn't give me real joy, so I think we should stop all contact". and then he messaged me back, saying it's a pity and asking if I mean absolutely all contact and we won't even study together anymore, cuz it's much more fun to study which I replied "yes, absolutely all contact" and then later he asked if I won't even come to a library anymore and then I didn't reply and then even later he texted again asking if I won't even talk to him in facebook and I didn't reply to that either....
So it's official now - I totally stopped this madness. Hopefully I can stay strong and won't give in to this need to contact him.