What a complex situation to be in brother.
While it is a problem for you, it is not nearly as big of a problem as it is for her. She's in love with you and she has a husband. You shouldn't leave your job if you like it. So few people enjoy their jobs/careers these days that you'd regret it if you did so. If anything she should look for a place to relocate so she doesn't end up destroying her family. You're a bit older than myself so I can't offer as much input as TheEvilJester, but in that situation I honestly would probably just go for it.
I wouldn't want to stay with her because if she divorced her husband for another man, she would probably do something similar to that for yourself, but who knows. Maybe she never would. Maybe it's just me looking to the fun side of it. What have you got to lose by going for it? Your job? Okay that's a lot to lose, but other than that it sounds like you have a problem that takes some serious creative thinking to fix. Try posting this question in several forums to get a wide array of suggestions. That's probably the best advice I can give you from where I stand.
Cheers, brother.
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