So there's this girl at work I've had a crush on for a while. I work at a large company and have barely spoken to her as I've never really had the opportunity (I'm not really sure how I've managed to get such a stupid crush).
Now I've moved to a different department on a different shift pattern so theres a small chance of even passing her at work never mind having chance to ask her out.
The option I'm considering is adding her on facebook to ask her out. I'm not scared of getting rejected but I am worried that asking her out this way may ruin any chance of success I might have by asking her out in a normal way and make her think and I'm huge odd ball.
Howover, this way at least i'll get an answer and if she says no I can draw a line under it and move on instead of wondering 'what if'.
So I suppose my question is, if a guy who you hadn't really spoken to but recognised from work added you on facebook and asked you out, would there be any chance of you saying yes or would you block him and run for the hills?
Any feedback would be much appreciated.