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Thread: Need advice please

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2016

    Need advice please

    So I've known this woman for 3 years now it is online, but we didn't talk for awhile, until we started talking again and we became pretty close in early 2015. Suffice to say she ended up breaking it off saying she was too busy with school, so we didn't talk for awhile. We became pretty close even though we have never seen each other face-to-face and she's even told me she feels like we have a strong connection. I mean we had a lot of similarities that none of us would have known, in fact it was a little weird thinking how similar our childhood and growing up was.

    We just got to know each other really well, it hurt when we stopped talking. Well when she told me she was falling behind school she asked how I felt about her and whether or not I loved her, perhaps it was premature but I did tell her I loved her when she asked and when I asked her she said "I don't know, I mean I really care about you". She said nothing would change and we could talk to each other the same, that she just doesn't have time, and she gets bored with guys, and doesn't want to do that to me. So we didn't talk until November.

    She texted me out of the blue and told me she was wandering how I was doing, and we talked and caught up for awhile. We primarily talked on Kik, but she also gave me her phone number this time. She also told me she was pregnant in which I was silent for a few seconds before she told me she was just kidding and wanted to see how I would react. I'm a little confused, how and should I approach this? Was she testing to see if I still had feelings for her? I mean we haven't really talked for a week and a half now.

    I mean she could have just stopped talking to me and never contact me again, especially when I told her I loved her, but she hasn't. What does this mean? Thanks in advance!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2014
    The lying about being pregnant was odd, it was clearly a test but why? To see if you still loved her? Games like that are awful & wrong. Maybe she likes you more than she let on since after silence she came back into your life all of a sudden. How did it make you feel talking again? Happy? Did it hurt you she didn't say she loved you back then too? Should find out why she contacted you again first off.

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