This girl I met recently through a referral (by her relative) told me after our first meeting that "we should go for lunch or coffee sometime" and gave me her email. I sent an email which she replied to after 48 hours apologizing for the delay and explaining that she wont be available until the week after. I replied with a note asking her to let me know which day next week works with her and i'll also check my calendar once she lets me know. However she never sent a second reply. Recently I joined a mentoring program where executives would sit down with a group of about 4 people and answer questions or give advice (mentoring). She happened to somehow also join that program as well and end up in my group! the chances of this is highly unlikely. So when she joined my table i was so shocked that we did not communicate at all. I lost her after the event so basically we did not communicate at all that day. Now that has been almost 2 weeks since that email she ignored, i'm wondering whether I should send another email or consider this a lost cause? I'm sure if the girl liked me she would have made an effort. I dont want to make 100% of the effort, that's just a turnoff to me. Should I attempt another communicate or let it go? thanks...