I have this problem that has been in my head for days. So there is a girl at my school that I really like and she is like very hooot . So yes we spoke in real life already, I mean we don't talk like every day but we did speak on one school trip last year which last like 5 days and we were in the same group and we did talk. Also at normal school she like just acts normal to me, and at one party she even came to say hi to me. So when summer holidays start I get bored and I have no one to talk to really so I was like why not why she would reply to me. She seemed nice everytime we talked even though we didn't talk for much time. I had this feelling she is nice. And yes we don't live nearby so this is why I text her on facebook. So I texted her hey and I asked her if she has the time for a little talk. All down from that point. It has been one day since I messeged her and she is online almost everytime. It just says its deliver but not seen. Pls help me I don't know what to do. I will be so embarresed next time that I will be nearby her. It will be like very weird. Do you have any ideas what to do?