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Thread: Dazed and confused with the guy I "think" Im talking to.... PLEASE HELP!!!!

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2016

    Dazed and confused with the guy I "think" Im talking to.... PLEASE HELP!!!!

    The guy that I am crushing super hard on is at our college for the summer while I'm in the city for an internship about 5 hours away. We started texting and talking everyday in the middle of May. We have been on 2 dates and I always leave feeling like a little child who was hit with cupids arrow. We facetime every night but with my past relationship history of cheating and lies, I am worried that I will end up getting played. Last night he snapchatted me saying to "come over at 1" which would be impossible for me to do so I'm assuming it was sent to another girl which I am not ok with at all. Then when we were factimeing a girl walked into his room and he instantly hung up on me. I don't want to seem clingy or psycho considering we haven't even developed that we are talking.... Someone help! Am I in the wrong or are these red flags?!? What should I do?!?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2016
    Follow your gut...ya I would say this guy has a GF. That would explain why you have only been able to go on two dates since May, he's cheating on her. CUT HIM OFF. go NC block/delete.
    Last edited by hazey daisy; 27-06-16 at 10:02 AM.

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