Hi guys
I'm new to the forum so i'll get right to it as I'm a little confused on this one. I'm in a serious relationship with a girl for 7 months now. On paper we are opposites and things have progressed positively for the most part but we have our ups and downs.
But the most recent incident has left me with some doubts and wondering am I getting myself in to something that will end in disaster.
She has gone on holiday to Malaysia with family but her luggage didn't make it with her so I was there to comfort and ease her worries as would any caring guy (this happened over txt btw). Anyway the luggage came through the following day and everything was ok.
I have a long term medical condition which I try to deal with as best as I can and try not to burden her with my daily struggle but I was having a bad day to the point where I got sent home from work.
She txt me in the evening and could sense I wasn't my usual self but I didn't want to ruin her holiday so I just gave her an outline that I wasn't well and came home sick. Now usually she would comfort me and be attentive but she thought she would tell me about her day. She sensed I wasn't very interested so I apologised for not being more enthusiastic as I wasn't well, which was interpreted as sarcasm (not the first time over txt).
I asked her why she was being formal and clinical with me rather than her usual self. Her reply was she was thousands of miles away. She cant be there for me over txt (which has never been an issue before but all of a sudden its difficult?), I was attention seeking over something small which is usually her job, I was being a drama queen and needy. She wanted to be stress free on holiday and I was doing her head in.
All because I asked for 5 mins of her time and to say a few comforting words as you would expect any 'loving' girlfriend to do.
My reply was if I don't seek attention (which is rare) from my gf then who should I go to? There needs to be a bit of give and take and If I can be there for you to comfort you after a long flight and ease your worries about you luggage then why isn't it reciprocated? After half hr of back and forth txting she apologised and we sort of made up.
Unfortunately that was short lived as we argued over something petty the following day and she asked for space for the duration of the holiday to which I agreed.
Now personally I don't think I was being needy or a drama queen. I was just calling out to my gf in a time of need. It casts a doubt in my mind because I feel I'm investing more in this relationship than she is and if she can't be there for me the way i'm there for her regardless of the time of day or situation then i'd rather quit now while i'm ahead.
Your thoughts please?