Hi Loveforum. I'm new
This isn't something I would normally do but i'm having issues with two women in my life at the moment. I am 20 so obviously my experience is low and I don't really get the right choice in times like these.
So I was previously in a relationship which lasted two years before I came to university with a girl we'll refer to as 'Sarah' (don't really want it on here for any reason). I was very attracted to her, but we had troubles and I broke up with her before going to university. I found that we just wouldn't understand each other in arguments.
So I get to university and me and a girl we'll refer to as 'Emma' start a thing a few weeks into it. A fairly stupid decision as I should have waited really, but I felt we were very similar so i felt at the time i should go for it.
To put it simply, although i've only been with her for 6 months, I have spent if anything more time with Emma, because she lives so close to my uni block. But despite this, she is more level headed, we get along better. But, part of me still struggles a lot to get over Sarah.
For those that have had experience with things like this: who would you choose? I know the obvious choice would be Emma, who I get along with far better, but in general I still find myself more attracted/in love with/connected to Sarah. I don't know if this is a situation in which a gut instinct should be followed or not: logic or go with your heart and work on her? Have people had good experiences with changing stubborn women they were previously unable to understand you and vice versa in an argument?
Thank you. This pains me a lot. I want to get over her but if people have experience with putting work into stubborn women and getting results then maybe i'll reconsider?