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Like I said and others have said, that is really the sort of thing you shouldn't get into unless you are sure. Again, you can't decide one day that you want kids and then decide the next you made a mistake and don't want them. That's not a genie you can put back in the bottle. Well, at least not if you intend to be a good, decent human being.
From your own admission, it sounds like, undecided though you maybe, that you don't really want kids. If that is the case, then that should be your answer. Though, as you say, you aren't necessarily 100% on that. So, maybe with some thought and soul-searching, you could change your mind. I don't know if there is really anything more any of us could tell you. Again, it's really the sort of thing you need to decide for yourself, and also the sort of thing that just has to be a decision you feel. It's not necessarily a decision based on LOGIC. ...at least not entirely.
Unfortunately, there isn't really any kind of magical bullet/magic spell that would help you decide. You'll just have to think about it. To some degree, I see what Gladimeir is saying and can certainly understand and respect her thoughts. However, I have to add that I don't think you should have kids simply JUST because you want somebody onto whom you can pass things (knowledge, money, possessions, etc.). Becoming a parent is a complete change in life-style. If you don't want the whole package, then you shouldn't take that plunge. If you find you DO want that whole package, then you should. It's that simple.... and yet that complicated at the same time.
I wish I could offer you a more definitive solution, but it is really the sort of thing you'll have to just wrestle with and decide. Good luck to you, though, in that.