Originally Posted by
Thank you very much for answer
I hope the one will come one day.
I learned that from second expirience,i was so stupid and now i feel so bad.I just want to forget those guys,but i am obssesed with thinking
Try not to be so hard on yourself. You are using such negative language when you talk about yourself, and you shouldn't be. There is nothing wrong with enjoying sex, even if you aren't in a relationship with someone. You also can't change the past, what happened cannot be undone, but you can make changes going forward. It is a good idea not to jump into sex with a new partner until you feel a stronger connection to them, emotionally & mentally. Have you ever tried online dating? That can be a great way to meet lots of people so that you can find out what kind of guy you want to be with. Part of growing up and dating is figuring out what you want (and don't want) from a relationship. You are really young, you've only just become an adult.
I think you should focus more on your relationship with yourself right now. Start by being nicer, gentler, and kinder to yourself. Become your own best friend, and once you truly love yourself, you will be able to love another person.
Best of luck to you!
"Caring is not an advantage."