I met him online. During that time I just got out of a 5yr abusive relationship. He was the guy I talked to about the things I cant tell other people. The abuse, how it started, when it started and almost everything. Also at that time my ex was still blackmailing me to go back to him or else he will do this, do that, blah3. All of those things he was the guy I ran to for help and comfort. I also told him about my abusive mom and my family and all those things that I told him he never judged me and I think thats what made me regard him to something else other than a friend. He is already in medschool and he will be picking his specialty next year. When he found out that I'm a premed student we kind of clicked because at first glance people tend to look at me as a bimbo but never really see me as the smart girl. He also managed to see that and we made a deal that once were both doctors we'll set up a free mobile clinic. Anyway to make it short O fell for him. He was everything I wanted. A smart, funny, cool, handsome and pure hearted guy. The only problem is he lives in Denmark and I live in the Philippines. I confessed to him that I like him already and he said that I might be just confused because I just got out of a relationship in which he is the total opposite of my ex. I told him no and that I am not asking him to be my bf immediately. I told him i want to see where we will go. He told me he liked me as well and that he wants me to take medschool there and marry him. Weve been talking for almost a month now. I know it seems so fast but those were just options that we talked about because we were thinking if we want to push thru someone needs to adjust and move. My problem is this. I am already starting to process my visa and all but then he just suddenly disappeared. Like all my texts are no longer being replied. My calls are not answered though i can see that he is online. His semester just started and I read that it is normal for a medstudent or anyone in training to be a doctor to be almost non present at all. But I just felt like I was keft hanging like he is no longer interested. Like after all those things we have talked abd planned this is how it goes? I dont even know if I should push thru with processing my visa when I dont even know if I am still valued. I cant even talk to him about this because he wont reply to me anymore since his semester started. He told me before that he will find time for me when his semester starts but I feel like im being brushed off. It hurts so much because I miss talking to him
Please help me I dont where to go from here.