I've been seeing this girl for a few months and I have had the most fun and the happiest times I've had since as far back as I can remember, but I cannot figure out what this relationship is supposed to be. We have amazing sex and our chemistry is volatile to say the least. We are on the same wave length on an incredible number of different things and I know that she is happy with me as well. But she is very unclear on the topic of what the relationship is. I've asked and tried to talk about it but she tries to dodge the question or just says we're dating, and doesn't want a boyfriend right now. Here's what is throwing me off, she says this, but she is affectionate in public, brings me around her friends, her parents, her home, we are frequently intimate, almost always texts/calls me first and she's not seeing other guys. At least I doubt she is. We are rarely apart for more than 8 hours at a time. My question being, WHAT THE HELL IS THIS? I love it but I am truly at a loss as to what IT is.... Help....maybe?
One confused s.o.b.