2.3 billion people are under a spell
I am not joking
The jews have succeeded in making the gentiles curse our creator God Satan for centuries
A Rabbi claims we descended from Satan himself
This is not a lie,
The word Satan is not a hebrew word or an english word
It is a sankrit word of the Golden age from Anunnakis, The elohim, the Vedas and the Nephilim
Sanskrit is one of the oldest languages
Satan means TRUTH, Sat is a root word for satya meaning truth, an is a short form ananta meaning never ending
Satan the Eternal Truth is taken by the jews, and they called truth the ADVERSARY, because christianity is a vicious hoax on enslaving gentiles,
Satsang is word meaning descended from, showing that Satan was the creator of the gentiles
Satan was not evil it is Yahweh Jehovah, The abrahamic God ordered jews to kill steal rape men women and children and take their lands
Satan has been misquoted entirely
Satan was the Anunnaki God who created us through genetic engineering, Sumerian God known as Enki
Satan planned to alter our dna and transfom us into Gods but he was stopped by the hateful Gods
Some Gods joined Satan to support mankind, Satan right now has won the war, before you die, read joy of satan before it is too late
you must be gods good luck.