Basically, a woman and I have been friends primarily online for 4 years or so. We met in-person this past summer, and it was clear before then, during and especially after us meeting, that she liked me romantically. Generally speaking, I'm a loner, very particular, and make stupid excuses not to be with people, even if I seem compatible with them. Also, I've been very superficial because there was chemistry with us in-person, much more so than when we just chat online.
She flirted with me for months after we met and it was very blatant. I knew she was, but I was so averse to hurting her that I didn't know how to reject her. I've had to reject people before and have been rejected, but I care about this girl more than anybody else I've been friends with. Ultimately, she got impatient and called me out on being distant and cold towards her (I was). I got annoyed by this, stubborn that I did nothing wrong, and we didn't talk for 3 months. Just last month, she messaged me out of nowhere to say that she wanted to meet again in-person. I said yes, and there wasn't much said following that.
Couple weeks later, I messaged her about something (the common interest we share and it's how we met to begin with), and we started talking once more. The other day, I apologized for how I was before, as I came around to the fact that I was insensitive. For some reason, I try so hard to find reasons not to form romantic bonds - I think I'm very scared of rejection, but commitment too. I've always told myself that I'm fine being a loner, because I'm very introverted and even asexual at times. Generally, I also try to detach myself emotionally from situations as best I can (I've always preferred "logical" subjects, like computer science), so that doesn't help with empathy towards people. For the record, I've never had a girlfriend, and I'm almost 25.
I want to tell her that I like her; I just fear that it's too late and we won't even be able to have a friendship because of how awkward it could make things. But it seems we're going to see each other again, and I would rather say these things before that (granted, it's months from now). I've just never felt this way before - maybe infatuated, but never a true, genuine connection. We get along well, and I don't know how long I can hold this in. I appreciate any posts from you guys on this.