So I met a girl online and we were chatting back and forth. She ended up giving me her number without me asking. I texted her the day she gave me the number and the next day throughout while I was at work. I didn't always text back right away. Sometimes I didn't even get back to her until 45 min later or so. The conversation seemed to be going good and she was picking up what I was putting down, she said she had to work that night and I said I'm sure she would probably be tired after work that day, but lets meet up over drinks one night when she was free. She didn't respond back for 5 hours. I expected that though bc she was at work and I knew she was gonna keep me guessing for a little while. I didn't text her though until she got back to me. She never answered my question though. She just came back and said "I'm still here lol" meaning work. I waited a minute and we started talking normal convo again. I asked her how work was and she wrote back "It was ok. I'm going to bed, Night!" I tried to pick up conversation the next day (yesterday) around noon. No reply. I left it alone, making sure I wasn't acting clingy or annoying, but I don't know if it's us texting too much that caused her to lose interest or if it's the fact that she got out of a relationship this past month and is worried about rushing into something. Either way, I wanna make sure I'm playing my cards right from this point. Any suggestions? I definitely want to be persistent but I wanna make sure I don't cross that line between persistent and annoying/clingy.